A few days ago I was talking with one of my friends who works for a large Internet company. A few months ago his team conducted a one-day workshop to find the most promising features which they could deliver to their users next year. So, he explained, we did everything by the book. They met […]
When does your productivity awake?

Imagine you are in a galaxy far, far away. You are an officer of the Galactic Empire, but you also have a second identity. You are an undercover Jedi Knight, and the Jedi Council has given you the task to destroy the Death Star — the Empire’s ultimate weapon, which is about to obliterate an […]
2 secrets to increase your productivity in 2016

The year 2015 is almost over and the upcoming new year brings new opportunities and more chance for positive change. This time of the year is a great time not only to sum up all your previous achievements but also make new plans for the next one. From the previous year, I’ve learned that no […]
3 habits of effective entrepreneur in practice

The digital age and ruthless competition have caused us to become obsessed with productivity and constant improvements. This hype about achieving more in the same amount of time is not a surprise when we consider the statistics — for example, eight out of ten new businesses will fail within the first 18 months. In response […]
How to use The Compound Effect to reach any goal

Generally, it’s easy for us to think of small decisions as being irrelevant to our long-term success. But, these little decisions really do add up over time. For instance when I buy a $5 cup of coffee every day, five dollars may not seem like a lot, but the total amount of my spending on […]
Is a corporate job right for you?

A couple of years ago, when I was at the beginning of my career path, I faced a common dilemma: what kind of workplace should I choose for my first job? I was considering different companies, but one question bothered me: should I choose a small company or look for a corporate job? I thought […]
Openness and honesty: the true cornerstone of an efficient communication at work

A while back, I was engaged in the development of a new software solution in my day job. In one of the first days of development, a colleague created a wiki page, the purpose of which was to discover the best method for the design of one of the essential parts of a new solution. […]