The article is based on Zappos SWOT analysis which can be found in the Library, in CayenneApps SWOT application. Zappos, the online company with the largest selection of shoes, has created its unique company culture based on three values that I highly admire: Truly customer-centric service — focus on different ways of making Zappos’ customers happy. Employee-center […]
How to conduct experiments in the validated learning process
The validated learning (VL) process is one of the pillars of the lean startup movement, initiated by Eric Ries. This process, based on the customer validation concept developed by Steve Blank, is derived from the lean manufacturing philosophy. Its framework is based on the assumption that we need to first validate our basic ideas with […]
3 lessons learned when developing a new product with the Minimum Viable Product
We released the Goals Module in our application suite no more than four weeks ago, and in this time almost 460 goals have been created by our users. This is great news, because it means that the few months that we spent working on the first release was definitely time well spent. The first release of Goals […]
5 steps to building Minimum Viable Product with Story Mapping.

In the previous post we have described different concepts of Minimum Viable Products. Among various definitions, we can describe MVP as a product built from the smallest set of features that delivers customer value. But what does “the smallest set of features” mean, and how can we define this? In todays post we would like to share with you a technique […]
Many faces of Minimum Viable Product. Which type of MVP is best for you?
Minimum Viable Product has become one of the ‘should-know’ terms in the startup and product development community. Moreover, it is becoming more and more popular among not only so-called “garage startups” but also among large enterprise organizations, which adapt and use various ideas from the agile and lean movement. Interestingly, despite the fact that “everyone” is familiar […]